
Highest wireless broadband capacity for trains, vehicles & vessels on the move

Radwin FiberinMotion Wireless Mobility

FiberinMotion® delivers wireless broadband with unmatched throughput and wide area coverage for trains, vehicles and vessels in motion while ensuring service continuity at high speeds and in challenging environments.

Solution Components

Transportation Base Stations (TBS)

Deployed along the trackside, providing continuous coverage and connectivity to the moving trains in the route. Each TBS is deployed with multiple antennas in MIMO mode (depending on the requirements and topology). These base stations are deployed at intervals up to 1.5km (depending on topology, country regulations and required capacity).

Transportation Mobile Units (TMU)

Installed on-board the train, with up to 3 train antennas on the roof of the train. The TMU aggregates traffic to/from the different units and services on-board the train and communicates continuously with the nearest relevant Base Station (TBS). Dual TMU configuration (at both ends of the train) is installed to enhance resiliency and coverage.

Transportation Base Station (TBS)

  • 750Mbps
  • 5 km range
  • 4.9-6.0 GHz
  • MIMO 3x3
  • 350KMH/220MPH
  • Railway Certified
  • IP67

Transportation Mobile Unit (TMU)

  • 750Mbps
  • 4.9-6.0 GHz
  • MIMO 3x3
  • 350KMH/220MPH
  • Seamless Handover
  • Railway Certified
  • IP67


  • High capacity, up to 100Mbps per TBS100 Plus or TMU100 Plus (depending on model type)
  • Extended coverage per Base-Station, reducing the number of track-side installations required and saving substantial infrastructure costs (e.g. poles, electricity, network), as well as on-going maintenance.
  • Supports trains/metros at speeds of up to 300km/h (designed for higher speeds)
  • Seamless handover between base stations.
  • Fully synchronized network that operates on a common time base for all the Base-Stations, thus avoiding potential mutual radio interferences. This capability is essential to maintain a consistent and high throughput along all the routes and operation scenarios.
  • Low and fixed service latency and jitter – essential for delay sensitive applications such as CBTC, Video and VoIP.
  • QoS over the air, enables prioritization and assured service level of different services